History Of Al Tabri V6 Page 49
They also say that Khadijah sent a message to the Messenger of God inviting him to take her, meaning that they should marry.
She was a highly respected woman, and the whole of Quraysh would have been eager to marry her and would have spent so much money to that end they had aspired to it.
She called her father to her house, plied him with wine until he was drunk, slaughtered a cow, anointed him with perfume an clothed him in a striped robe; then she sent for the Messenger of God and his uncles and, when they came in, her father married him to her.
When her father recovered from his intoxication, he said, “What is this meat, this perfume, and this garment?”
She replied, “You have married me to Muhammad b. •Abdalläh.” “I have not done so,” he said. “Would I do this, when the greatest men of Mecca have asked for you and I have not agreed?”
Mind you, according to Islamic sharah, marriage without wife’s father’s consent is illegitimate.
Life of Prophet Muhammad Vol. 1 – Pg. 191-193
Al-Bayhaqi related, through Hammad h. Salama, from ‘Ali b. Zayd, from ‘Ammzr b. Abii ‘Ammar, from Ibn ‘Abhs who said, “Khadija’s father married the Messenger of God (SAAS) to her at a time when he (her father) was a n d I think this is what he said – drunk!”
Then Al-Bayhaqi stated that Ahn al-Husayn b. al-Fadl al-Qatmn related to h i , as did ‘Ahd Allah h. Ja’far, as did Ya’qnb h. Sufym, who said that he was told by Ibr2him b. al-Mundhir, and by Wmar b. Abn Bakr al-Mu’amrnili and by CAhd Allah h. Abn Wbayd b. Muhammad h. ‘Ammzr b. Yasir, from his father from Muqsim b. Aba al-@sim, the mawla of ‘Abd Allah h. al-H&th b. Nawfal, that ‘Ahd Allah b. al-Harith related to h i that ‘Ammzr h. Ysir, whenever he heard people discussing the marriage of the Messenger of God (SAAS) to Khadija and embellishing it as they did, would tell them, “I know better than anyone else about his marriage to her. I was his companion and his close friend. One day I was out with the Messenger of God (SAAS) and when we came to al-Hazura we passed by Khadija’s sister who was seated on a he-coloured camel she had for sale. She called to me and I went over to her, while the Messenger of God (SAAS) stood there waiting for me. She said, ‘Would that friend of yours like to marry Khadija?'”So I went back to him and told him and he responded, ‘Indeed I certainly would!'”I then reported to her what the Messenger of God (SAAS) had said and she suggested, ‘Come and visit us tomorrow.’ When we did so next day we found that they had slaughtered a cow and dressed Khadija’s father in ceremonial clothes; and his beard had been dyed yellow. I spoke with her brother and he with his father, who had been drinking wine. The brother told him of the Messenger of God (SAAS) and of his reputation and asked him if he would conduct his marriage. And so he did marry h i to Khadija. They cooked the cow and we ate from it, after which her father went to sleep. When he woke up he was sober and he said, ‘What’s this I’m wearing, what’s this yellow and why this food?’ His daughter who had spoken to ‘Ammar replied, ‘It was your son-in-law Muhammad son of ‘Abd Allah who gave you the ceremonial oudit and he who presented the cow to you, and we slaughtered it when you married him to Khadija.'”He denied having concluded this marriage with h i and stormed off, shouting, to al-Hijr. Bann Hashim brought out the Messenger of God (SAAS) and they all went off to talk to him. Khadija’s father demanded, ‘Where’s this man of yours you claim I married to Khadija?’ The Messenger of God (SAAS) made his presence known to him. Having looked at him, her father then said, ‘If I already performed his marriage, then so be it. If I didn’t before, I do so now!”‘Al-Zuhri stated in his works of biography that her father married her to him when he was drunk. His account is similar to the foregoing. Al-Suhayli (similarly) related it.IMAM ABU AL-FIDA’ ISMAQL IBN KATH~R 193Al-Mu’ammih stated, “What is generally agreed upon is that it was her uncle, ‘Amr b. Asad, who married her to him.”This is what al-Suhayli preferred. He related so on the authority of Ihn ‘Abbas and ‘il’isha. The latter said, “Khuwaylid had died before al-fir, the ‘sacrilegious’ war. It was he who had fought against Tubba’ when he wanted to remove the ‘black stone’ to Yemen. Khuwaylid and a group from Quraysh had prevented him from doing so. Then Tubba’ had a nightmare about it, changed his mind, and left the ‘black stone’ where it was.”Ibn Ishaq related at the end of his biography that Khadija’s brother, ‘Amr b. Khuwaylid, was the one who married her to the Messenger of God (SAAS), but God knows best.